Lets Talk: Beyond two souls & Detroit: Become Human

When Beyond two souls and Detroit: Become Human were released on Steam, I really wanted to play them so I finished both in over a period of 3 weeks. Some spoilers below

In general, I really enjoyed both games. If anyone is a fan of quick time events, or even an engaging story, than both these games are up your alley.

I would actually say if we could take elements from both games, then it would be perfect. The reason being is this:

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Unfinished – Lets Talk: Dark Souls (series)

Looks like I wrote this ages ago. No idea what I was talking about but here it is

From last December onward, I decided to play Dark Souls remastered. After 2 months, I have finished Dark Souls 3 just yesterday (13/01/2019) (excludes Dark Souls 2). I want to provide my opinions as a player who struggled when first playing, and how it lead me to enjoying this game. Spoilers etc.

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Lets Talk: Nier: Automata

I want to talk about Nier: Automata. I finished this game on Sunday, so it has only been two days. This post isn’t a review, but my thoughts and my current feeling as of this time. As such, there are spoliers so I suggest you don’t read this if you have fully finished the main endings.

Also this isn’t a full anylsis, it’s literally my thoughts so I probably won’t talk too much. There also won’t be any deep philosophical discussion, you can find them elsewhere on the internet.

Lastly, I made this post because I need to write my thoughts down. This game had a immense effect on my psyche.

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Lets Talk: The Sexy Brutale

Short puzzle game with an interesting story. Not too much to say, but overall I liked it.

The gameplay revolves around npcs following a strict schedule that eventually ends up with them dead. Your role is to analyse how they died and manipulate objects to prevent their death. The day can be reset at any time. The game prevents you from directly interacting with the npcs, but you can eavesdrop or hide away to listen into the conversation, or watch what they are doing.

It took my around 3-4 hours to finish it, but I like to think the reason is because I’m good at puzzle games. However, I have to admit I did need to look for some hints as the game does not specifically mention where you need to go sometimes. Also, there were many instances where you are introduced to a new section with a death, and I was able to solve it without needing to restart time.

However, I think one of the best aspects of this game is the story. For me the ending was definitely impactful, and I hope you too feel the same.

Lets Talk: Danganronpa v3

Over my Christmas holidays, I decided to finally play the latest entry in the Danganronpa series. This was thanks to the annual winter steam sales that lowered the price down to around £30 (which is still pretty expensive to be honest).

As I go on with this rant, more spoilers will be introduced.

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