Japanese and VR – Feburary 2017

Today I decided to take a look at what’s going on with Project Lux, a game developed by the Japanese group Spicy Tails.

What particularly draws my attention to this is due to the Writer by the same as the author of “Spice and Wolf“. For people who don’t know, it’s a Japanese light novel spanning 19 volumes based on a tale of a travelling salesman and a wolf goddess. This probably is the most simplist of description, but I highly recommend reading it if you’re into fantasy settings. What makes this book so good is how the author brings economics notions into the writing which makes it’s excting to read how things play out. It’s so good that it was made into 2 seasons of anime.

Back on to the topic of this post, as I was looking through their twitter, I started seeing posts from other users about their own endevours. Currently as of writing, the VR scene and the recently released to developers hololens are the most popular things for them.

In fact, this one caught my attention a few days ago:

FF14 is a popular game in japan, and as a I player I can really see how awesome this is.

Another user I found is VoxelKei. Again with the hololens, you can create some unique alternative reality.

On the VR side of things, いちか(IChiKa) is another user I stumbled upon, along with CST_negi

It’s interesting to see how western and easten developers are approaching vr application differently. I’m excited to see what unexpected applications that easter developers will create.

One thing I would like to say is about the difference between VR and hololens. I think hololens is entirely a Augmented Reality hardware. It’s an overlay that’s supposed to overlap the real world. That doesn’t mean you can’t create games on it however, but it will never be a true out of body experience.

VR on the otherhand removes you from reality. You yourself are removed into a different world. The feeling of losing the sense of the where you’re currently at, and actually thinking you’re somewhere else. Hence why “presence” is an important word that’s passed around the VR.

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